TRP is a post-Great War AU RWBY RP set in Mistral City and Haven Academy with no canons, no rank claims, no maidens, and no god interference. We offer a progression system and site-wide events that change the setting based on player actions.
With the start of March fast approaching, and nearly a month since we opened on February 2nd, I figured this might be a good time for an update.
Membership on the discord has been slowly climbing, as can be seen on this graph here which is really cool to see. Another cool graph I'm going to put in, largely so there's a reference point in any month I keep track of this, is the posts made metric as well.
Now onto more meat and potatoes things now that the time capsule is out of the way. The Mistral Regional Tournament will be moved to Event Archives soon after this post hits live, though existing tournament threads can still continue. The goal of the tournament was always to give what amounted to a combat system tutorial and provide a transition from site opening to when Haven Academy opened up. It accomplished that goal, but a little less ambition would have been ideal when I was setting it up and I will keep that in mind for next time.
Reminder that to get the 1EP from the first event you had to have a completed tournament thread. As of the time of this writing, the characters that qualify are Qiu'Li, Flower Fiorella, and Colton Deraine. Percy Minamoto also qualifies due to their first fight being held up on the staff side, so despite not completing a thread they are awarded the EP. There are still several others who are eligible for it should they complete their existing tournament thread.
The next event, thankfully, will be a few months off and will hit in the summer. As thanks for whoever reads this, I'll spill at least some details. It's planned to be 2 Event Points and the finales are all going to be group threads. Currently I have up to 5 finale outlines planned that can hold between 25-30 characters, and if that ends up not being enough first of all I'd love that problem and second of all we got a few months to figure that out. This one's designed to scale up or down depending on interest at the time, which is something I'm going to keep in mind for all future events.
In return, though the Mistral boards are opening up at the same time and you finally get your first look at Haven Academy! We got sixteen, yeah that's not a typo sixteen new IC areas that are opening up for play. Descriptions for almost every area are included in the boards, and since we don't have a lot of canon information I put in some elements that I thought would be fun to play around in there to add some flavor to the city.
Teacher profile templates should be released in the next week or so, as should the first class thread for Haven. Traditional wisdom says it takes three months of life for a site to take off, and we're well on our way to that with one month in the bag.
I'm going to end this with saying that TRP is still looking for staff to fill various roles around the site, and if any of them sound appealing to you I encourage you to send an application my way. Particular in applications, we're growing at a rate where I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up and I'd really appreciate anyone who would be willing to help me out in the regard.